A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Monday, October 12, 2015
Friday, October 9, 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
I watch your eyes,
so close I could almost kiss
your eyelids, in the sweet cleansing
caress of the rain, I come to you & you
embrace me somewhere in the great silence
only true Lovers know, I gaze into you,
in the peace, in the silent passion of this one
miraculous & perfect moment, I gaze into you
& boundaries disappear, bodies open & our heartbeats
are revealed like the magic of the Earth, deep within us
& cradling us, encompassing all we are or ever
could hope to be, I just bathe in the subtle outpouring
of your Spirit, the passion so unrelenting it transforms
our flesh & makes us holy, our lips are so close I almost
taste your thousand flavours, your dreams & dangerous
passions, waiting for but the Cosmos, demure until
the intoxication when the moonlight finally claims us,
naked to the stars & exploding into the ecstasy of infinite
constellations, I gaze into you & you welcome me
& reveal yourself as shyly as the mist upon the waters,
disrobing to meet the dawn, I swear to dance within you
& embrace you in each sensual conflagration of the flesh,
I swear to kiss you on the mountains, & meet you
in the shimmering green depths of the primal oceans,
awash with Life & precious promise...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Tomorrow will be golden,
perhaps, in those dreams where
I dare not linger, in those dances
alive with ghosts, tomorrow will be golden,
& magic, & alive with promise, the Visions
will return, & the ecstasy, & the rapture of youth
& beauty, tomorrow will be golden & I know this,
in certainty, in belief, in the great & final unfolding
of my Heart, tomorrow will be golden, & the waters
will rise & the sky will be alive with rainbows,
all journeys will be forgotten & we'll simply sit
upon the endless beach, the rain upon our faces like
the ecstasy of cleansing tears, we will watch & wonder
& know that eternity calls us, with wide & golden arms,
subtle as the rising of the dawn, we will sit & forget
we have ever been anything but Lovers & the beloved
children of a smiling Cosmos, the years are unknown,
& the centuries, & the eons pile upon each other,
Universe after Universe, until the atoms themselves rise
in Rapture & explode in the last & most exquisite Light,
I will meet you there, in all your bodies, in all your
Mysteries, in all the kaleidoscopic infinities of your eyes,
we will always return here, to this one perfect moment,
when our breath mingled in each of our endless kisses,
& I knew the wind loved your hair, & caressed it
with a thousand exquisite fingers...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
I returned to the arms of my ghosts,
to my rainbows & youthful dreams,
the world was open to me then, & yesterday
was as bright as tomorrow, I was the child
of a cosmic storm that scattered Light across
the endless waters, I saw the past & the future
& in the silence between my heartbeats I heard
the truth of my magic, the night was mine & the air
was pure, aching with the crystal clarity I saw once
& then forever, I embraced where I stood, in the dust
& the dirt & the glory of the endless conflagration
of the sun, I came to you then, in the serene beauty
of your Spirit, in the sanctity of your starlit body,
whispers still had meaning, & the brush of trembling
fingers exploring perfect flesh, we were the Visions
that seemed truly endless, beyond the touch of mere
mortality, we flew down the ancient highway, always
dancing, always cleansed by the mercy of the endless rains
& the gusts of Light upon the mountains, we rode forward,
always, soft as a lover's kiss, deep as a Lover's thrust,
I knew who I was & I finally understood, right there
at the beginning, the meaning & the purpose, age had
no hold on me, nor the great wheeling of the constellations,
except as my arrow of Ecstasy, firm, true,
& unwavering in flight...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Monday, August 31, 2015
You had the loose
easy stride of natural Beauty,
& somehow I already knew
you were a dancer, I knew the Moon
would call you, & kiss you & love you,
I knew the stars would glimmer,
& whisper half hidden in your hair,
where you come from I can't imagine,
where you lived, wide eyed & marvellous as a child,
except I know it was somewhere exotic,
magic with fragrant trees & blossoms scented
like the Spring, I think even there it must have been
the sea who bore you, & laid you gold hued with sunlight
upon the sand, I watch you across the small cafe table
& feel your eyes already half hidden within my own,
drifting within my secret darknesses & urging them
to Light, I know the midnight approaches on
gentle Lover's feet, & I know it has promised us
the ebony ecstasies of its dreams, I marvel at how
you smile & suddenly the World is revealed,
with rapture & sublime meaning,
in the aching of our heartbeats
& the flavours of our lips...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Sunday, August 30, 2015
We saw the great waves
& it was like a miracle, like the ending
& beginning of the world, we stood naked
on the endless white sand & let the wind
cleanse our bodies, we were young, we were perfect,
we were free, & before us endless in roar & surf
rose the great waters, the waves of prophecy
& long journey's desire, we danced as we had
never before danced, wild, ecstatic, our limbs alive
with the Cosmos & the rhythms of rapture & delight,
in joy we lay down beside the ancient driftwood
& made wild glorious love, sacred in its intensity
& fervour, our heartbeats became the world & burst
into the sunlight that scattered in spiralling galaxies
across the waves, we knew we were born, & reborn,
& born again, that the great sea drenched world
accepted us, that the Great Mother raised
her deep ocean arms, mystic with Visions
& storms of dreams yet to be...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Let us make love
in the old way, the ancient way,
so that magic wakes within us, so that
the moon is conjured, & the stars,
so that our heartbeats span the rainbow bridge
& glide golden above the waters,
let us dive, deep, relentless, into the mystic
pathways of our neurons so the Earth grows
ripe, & fertile, & green, let us wake the hidden spirits
yet alive in the dark woods, in the living forest,
let us dance the wild dance of the satyrs
& the nymphs birthed by lovers breath, for we
are landscapes, we are worlds, we are fleet deer
frenzied by the flying of the night, in whichever body
I find you, in whatever kingdom or shining hour,
I know the Cosmos binds us, I know the spring winds rise,
fragrant with blossoms & the glittering dragonflies
of rapture & ecstasy, I know we kiss with the Grace
that calls us, exquisitely, erotically, eternally,
to the rivers & shoreless sea...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Monday, August 24, 2015
You have the music to redeem me,
entwined in your soul, you have the magic,
the erotic mystery, the deep ebony eyes
in which the nebulae hide, I know no other place
for you except the passion of our embrace,
I know no secret to hide from you, no ember of past
or future life, the seasons are the seasons of our love,
each varied, vibrant & beautiful, wrought in the most
intense & ecstatic colours, we are the ocean gliding beneath
the moon, the great strong rivers, the flocks ascending
above the windswept grass, let the gods & comets seek us,
let the dimensions rip & spill forth fruit, we will feast
on Cosmic bounty, we will call upon the mountains,
ancient songs to wake the stars, the worlds will remember
us & haunt us with their prophecies, for we will return,
like a blessing or half seen dream, the mystics will revere
us, the riders, the rovers, the lone knights errant & the
masters of exotic crafts, let the wild winds call us,
in the blossoms & the reeds, we will return,
we will sing here, we will dance & be reborn...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
This is the magic, the way & the path
we will always follow, the singing of the streams
at midnight, the irresistible embrace of the river
calling to the stars, this is the journey that defines us,
the dance, the mystery of our breath & the ecstasy
of our bodies, we kiss in the silence that has no name,
in the words that have no meaning except in the great
incantations of the Cosmos, I hear you, I sense you,
I touch you, not just now but forever, in the endless fires
of newborn planets when butterflies finally gather round,
I hear your words, sweet with the silver of Infinity,
wild with the paradox of time & space, I know you dance
within each twilight, within each ecstasy that has been
forgotten as mystery retreated from this world, this is my
dream song, my voice of power in which the Eagles gather,
in which the nebulae shine, this is the golden key,
the bonding, the opening of rapture in the unknowable
labyrinth of our hearts, this is the way it happened,
& it always must be, the sweet scent of orchards,
the delirious galaxies of pleasure & pain, hear me now
or else forget me, until at last we are born again, I sense
monsters on the beaches, I fear maelstroms on the land,
but this is just the Earth, growing restless beneath
her chains, a scarlet thread will always bind us,
& the voices of our ancient Lovers, each drifting
& listening intently, to a whisper that can't be heard...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
I suddenly knew we had been lovers,
that we had embraced windswept & wild
on the shores of an ancient & alien sea, I knew
the stars above us had wheeled in great glittering
constellations adrift at the dawn of time, I knew
your breast was the breast I kissed in moonlight,
a thousand times before dawn sought us, golden day
after golden day, I knew we would be lovers yet again,
in this dreaming city by the waves, I could feel your touch
electric as your fingers brushed my own, I could taste
your lips in the delicious curve of your smile,
& in the gentle cascade of your words as they floated
like mystic symbols into the arches of my ear, your grace
was the grace of a cosmic dancer to whom time & space
meant nothing, your contours flowed with the mysterious
landscapes of imminent worlds, you were again
the true journey of my heart, my great & gracious Spirit,
my Guide awash in Ecstasy & Light...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
You knew she was
a dream that would consume you,
a vision so erotic, so pristine, so perfect
that it would grip your heart & transform you,
you knew she could make you a hero, a hunter,
a hunger that nothing but the taste of her
could ever satiate, but even as you rose you knew
you were a fool & would only ever be a poet,
a lost knight upon a perfumed & lonely path,
you knew she wanted you but only because
she needed you, only because the constellations
glittered like wild crystal eyes & this was the night
& the mystery of her Magic, the way would be long,
Pilgrim, & the oceans wide & the deserts would bleed
the salt of a ravaged Earth, but all this would scarcely
be noticed, your eyes were wild with glory,
for you knew a Goddess called you,
& shyly shook her hips...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Perhaps I will just sit here,
& never think again, perhaps
I will still my mind so completely
that at last the Earth will speak to me,
gently here beneath this ancient oak, perhaps
for at least a moment I will feel the deep, slow, sensual
heartbeat of Life itself & I will lose myself in wonder,
the day draws on, somewhere perhaps, but not here,
not in the infinity of this silence that somehow embraces
all natural sounds, the leaves, the grass, the breeze,
a profound wisdom slowly reveals itself, as if subtly
shimmering in the slow eddies of my bloodstream,
making me smile & just become it without understanding
what it is, once I was a warrior, I think, or a poet,
or a Lover, but now I know I am but sunlight upon
the water, only the waves go on forever, & the Cosmos
& the stars, & I am become them, I think of you,
so shining & beautiful in the flowing green dress
of your one perfect summer, & I think perhaps
we will meet again & kiss & remember,
even if but a moment, before Ecstasy
guides us home...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
What will we leave behind,
like a whisper in the hearts of our Lovers,
how will they remember us in the long hours
of the summer wind when the meadows & grasses
are golden, when the winter tides break across the sands
where once we danced, how will they find us,
how will they hear us, how will they follow the thin scarlet
thread that links our spirits forever between the galaxies,
when the pyramids rise, when the galleons sail,
who will stand bold & beautiful beneath the storms
of the wildest & newest stars, you will be there,
& all the Beauty you have gathered through the ages
& created & set free in Love amid the forests
& the canyons, you are not deceived, your kiss is the truth
that springs from the seed of truest desire, like a great river
the Earth will nourish you, & you will grow & blossom,
& there amid the most secret gardens, amid the scarlet
fragrance of Love's immortal roses, they will see you,
& remember you, & embrace you once again,
in the warm arms of midnight,
in the erotic pleasures of the Moon...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Saturday, August 15, 2015
I want to whisper in your ear,
to sit with you in secret, heart to heart, skin to skin,
I want to tell you of Magic & Adventure,
& the sweet erotic sighs of the moon
& the bright visions I see dancing across the beach
in the arms of the rising sun, I want to lie with you
in all the loving Ages of your Life, from vibrant
young dancer to wise woman of the woods, I want to taste
you beneath the mystic silver of the stars & show you
the nebulae aflame at the edge of the Worlds,
I want to gently explore the mystic landscape of your body
like a welcome pilgrim come in peace
or like a thirsty traveller ecstatic with desire,
I want to claim you, not as my own but in the name
of all Lovers throughout the Ages, I want you to teach me
all the secrets I've forgotten, all the places holy in the heart
of the forest, I want to embrace you again & again & again
until the moment ignites & dances with the Rapture
of all our once & future Lives...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Thursday, August 13, 2015
I need your dark eyes, Diva,
like I need the eyes of an unknown Lover
beneath the Moon, like I need the tides
of an ebony ocean that might call me to the Stars,
I need your whispers & the unknown magics
of your heartbeat when it dances in the night,
I need you to feed me, delicately with your fingers,
the delicious secrets of your desires, the nuances
of your wisdom, & the clear bright diamonds
of your tears, I need you to hear me & to heal me,
& to wash the endless dust of broken dreams
from the deserts of my Spirit, I want you to embrace me
with the fierce flame of your Grace, with the infinite
lithe textures of your skin & muscle & bone,
I want to dissolve into you until we are as one ocean,
one heart, one mind, one infinite strand of nebulae
strung across a darkening sky, long have I journeyed
on this path of sorrow, loss & tears, long have I danced
with the maidens of fragrant mountain meadows,
I have been all things, all storms & subtleties
of both shadows & Light, but now I am lost
without a beacon, a restless hungry child,
I know the Cosmos loves me like it cherishes all poets
with wayward wings, but today my breath feels mortal,
I bleed as if wounded & astray...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
I sometimes forget where memory ends,
& Mystery begins, I sometimes forget the stars
who have always loved me & the endless summers
when I dreamed, I know I remember the wind & the moon
& the sea in some simpler clearer way, in a previous
universe perhaps, before youth became eternal & was still
fresh & clear & new, I remember the nights when love
was scented by the wild grass, sweet & gentle & unknown,
I remember the gradual rise of the Mystery, as Life grew
deeper, & richer & wiser, I remember the crests of the great
tides, ominous & beautiful as they gathered & swept way
the shining cities, I remember the nymphs & the unicorns
& the satyrs dissolving into phantoms, & the flights of the
dark birds of magic as they sought refuge in the sky, I knew
the world had changed then, I knew Beauty had suddenly
scattered into a thousand different meanings, I knelt at the
Spring where thirst was always quenched but returned as
ecstasy & eternal, I took to the road, I felt infinity in my
eyes, & a wild new heartbeat in my chest, I knew I could
ride forever, I knew the dawn would always knight me,
I knew my Quest was ageless, it was madness,
it was Bright...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Sunday, August 9, 2015
She was so slender, so graceful,
so steeped in the shine of subtle stars,
he half thought he imagined her, he half thought
he knew her from a faintly seen dream,
in that beautiful land, the mountains suffused with
the sweet & simple wisdom of the bamboo dragon,
they sipped the wine of the centuries distilled from
the sun's joyous tears, they wandered the high meadows
drawn by the faint sound of flutes unheard except
by heartbeat, in her gasp of wonder at the comet's flash,
in her quiet joy, in her sacred perception, he felt his heart
gently hollowed & reformed beneath the mist & contours
of the mountains, they freely offered up their own contours,
their skin glistening, bathed in love, they lay amid
the blossoms, each blossom a thousand worlds, & the night
swept in around them, & in their eyes
the moonlight rose...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Saturday, August 8, 2015
She had the scent of the desert in her hair,
the purity of wild places, of sun carved stones
& mystic heat, her body lean, golden & gently muscled,
her rhythms graceful, unearthly, unknown, embedded
in her heartbeat by dawn lit dances with the sun dragon,
she was the avatar of the searing sky's one golden merciful
tear, its pact with the sand, the moon, the rivers & the sea
to never for a thousand eons blaze in its true & infinite
glory, to make our dreams fly but no higher than our
wildest wings, to make our searing rays of vision still
anchor firmly in our bone based skulls, to make our
ecstasies human but still spiralling wildly into the infinite,
she had this Grace, standing on the pathway, her body
blazed with gentle fire & then she turned & stretched her
fingers & great Light storms began to flicker,
in solar gusts toward the West...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
I think there is a magic to this place,
to this shimmering world beneath the heavens,
it calls me as surely as you call me from your land
of blue green waves, it has the power to wake
the Minotaur or unfold the gentlest summer blossom,
I need it, its exquisite & tantalizing fingers, as much as
I need breath or Life itself, as much as I need you
& to feel the stars shining in my blood, it is the Cosmos
that unfolds above me, the wind, the rain, the almost
unbearable beauty of the windswept summer grasses,
it is the sound of your voice beside the roar of the waters,
lost to the ear but joyous in the heart, it is the reason I come
on this journey, that I lay beside you skin to beautiful skin
beneath the cool & hunting moon, it is the reason the
comets stitch up the secrets of the night & the dawn's wing
unfolds across the fingers of the mountains, it exists as
surely as we exist, as surely as we find our Truth within
each other, for the days are long & filled with Love,
& this warm world turns, & the orchards dream...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Saturday, July 25, 2015
You showed me the secret,
the key to the mysterious Future,
deep in the shining Past, in the guise
of Aphrodite, slim, serene & beautiful,
you danced in the fragile flowers & golden
orchards of my memory, slowly, lovingly,
you fed me the fruit fit only for the gods,
the apples of Immortality & the sweet dark grapes
of poetic passion, you aroused me & enraptured me,
& embraced me beneath a moon that burned like
ecstatic silver fire, your body was the star strewn kiln
that melted reason into madness, until my heart's rivers
of rapture & desire burst across the tremors of your skin
& swept us away, irrevocably, eternally, into a land
of wondrous waters, of nebulae nimble on the peaks
of magic mountains, of minotaurs & savage satyrs,
& maidens whose ecstatic eyes you could drown in
forever, you were the Avatar awake within the Ages,
lover of heroes & those meant to be heroes, your love
was the great Love that all hearts could enter like a temple,
all could worship you, those who came in Beauty,
& those who came in Lust, all who touched you were
transformed, even those who loved you only
with their eyes finally forgot their fear & were transcended,
you kissed the hearts of mortals & gave them the taste
of galaxies, you danced within their darkness
& brought them bursting into Light...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Thursday, July 23, 2015
She was subtle, gentle, exotic,
in her presence the world hushed
& became exquisite, she had the scent
of mystic realms, of impossible & ancient secrets,
of pacts between lovers forever joyous in the stars,
she willingly haunted the desolate shadows of his heart
& coaxed them toward the Light, dawn beckoned him
from the infinite depths of her dark & erotic eyes,
the tips of her fingers were like tiny flares of galaxies
as she traced the vibrant river of rebirth in ancient symbols
across his naked chest, her embrace cleansed him,
it flared in gentle waves within him & drew his Spirit
across the waters, within her he lived forever,
the comets watched in silent splendour,
& together, bound forever as One,
they danced into her bright & sacred land...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
We lay awhile,
in that fair & golden city,
as eons crept by us, deep in
blossoms, grapes & beauty, our skins
glistening & entwined beneath the eternal sun,
our bodies washed & purified, made beauteous
by the sweep of the blue green waves, in the fields
beyond the palaces, in the grasses of the great bulls,
we learned the song of the peaceful universe,
we saw the lithe forms of the maidens, sacred to
the wild dances of joy & grace, wreathing the horns
of the gods & splashing in the sensual streams
of the goddess, in the hours of warm & fragrant
midnight we heard the pawing & the great bellows
of the Minotaur Prince down in his starlit caverns,
proud, powerful & versed in the great magic of his domain,
we embraced, we loved, we grew old & young & old again
in the endless enchantments of each other's bodies,
we heard the Great Wave rising, we heard the crash, groan
& rumble as the earth broke beneath the flick
of Poseidon's tail, we watched, we waited,
the world dissolved & suddenly
we kissed inside the stars...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER....
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Let me hear you, in the ancient glades
& the mountains, in the forests, in the deserts
dancing in the whispers of the moon, caress me
with all the loving textures of your voice, the shivers,
the tremblings, the erotic nuances never to be heard
except in the mysteries the stars dream of, let me kiss you
& embrace you like the warm darkness of a Cosmos
about to bloom, there never has been such a night,
such a Lover as you, the most perfect & graceful
of midnight's secrets, let us lie awhile, amid the memories
of the orchards & the summers yet to be, let me run
my fingers gently through the raven winged waves
of your hair & wake the galaxies within your eyes,
let me taste you as if a gentle pilgrim of the senses,
let me imagine the waves & far flung oceans of ecstasy
even before they gather us & become greater,
let me plunge without regret into the fathomless
rhythms of your heartbeat, you are the darkness,
you are the conjuring, the exotic fragrance of Visions,
the flame will rise slowly but relentlessly,
unendurable into rapture, the morning is lost forever,
we will be as loving ash...
There is a high place on this earth,
where poets go, & mystics, & seekers
who dwell alone in the canyons & deserts
of their imagination, I think the Goddess calls us,
& only the truest heed the call, the Lovers,
the brave ones, the heroes, I think they gather their hearts
& swear to ascend or die, I have been on that road,
I have seen the forgotten bodies of pilgrims propped in
perfect grace like signposts on the path as the constellations
urge them upwards, I have been there & I have felt
the wings of my Visions gradually shimmer into stars,
I have bathed in the eyes of the Cosmos & felt the rivers
of the nebulae blaze upon my skin, I knew I would
dance forever, I knew I would laugh & weep
& lie with a thousand Beauties in the orchards,
for I saw the rivers surge out across the dry land
& each of them was cool & nourishing & good,
I heard the tumult of the waves & the far flung mystery
of the ocean, I felt the wind & breathed the endless
fragrance of the forests & the meadows sweet with bloom,
the comets spoke of new horizons & I heard the music
of the spheres, I took my passion & came forth gladly,
& I mingled with the crowds, & the dawn still lingered in
your window, & I kissed you & Light was born...
Take me where the rivers dream,
& I will live with you forever, & dance
in sweet orchards, & the magic will return
& grow wilder, I need your fire in my veins,
I need the Cosmos to rage inside my blood,
lest I lie forever in dreaming blooms, I need the Beauty
of storm ever imminent, & deeply raging, I need to forget
all purpose except the heat of long & slow burning flames,
I need the taste of you, & to feast my hungry eyes upon
the contours of your skin, I need to see you golden,
& darkly wreathed in midnight's merciless mystery,
I need all these contradictory things, all these far flung
passions, I need the rainbows of your womb, & the erotic
opiate of your whispers, I need to taste the forbidden
flavours on your lips, the secret things, the exotic ecstasies
hidden deep within your flesh & blood & bone, I need
the unknown & elegant enigma of you, & to feel our reason
slide into madness in the tempest of your thighs,
I want to throw off this silver moonlit armour & stalk you
like a beast with bare & beautiful skin, I want to rise
like a madman's dawn & burst within your heart
like a thousand golden Suns...
Monday, July 13, 2015
I opened my heart to the Stars,
but it was never empty enough to receive them,
I've stood on each of the holy mountains
of the Spirit & danced the dance of rapture & desire
but I awoke again & again with dawn's dew upon me
& the day rising to greet me, I felt the wind in my hair
& my memories at my back, I knew my journey led me
onward & it led me to you, it led me to Love & the
unfolding of galaxies within the endless mysteries
of your eyes, the wild forests call, & the lost gardens
of the moon, I lay with you & the world began
& the night drifted across the meadows like the warm
breath of ecstasy, I entered the palace of earthly dreams
& mystic mirrors, I sang the songs of the far flung oceans
lapping at the edge of the world, within our whispers
I learned the depths of all true wisdom, we wandered
in the orchards hand in hand & cradled in the blossoms,
all visions I seek now shimmer in the space between
our heartbeats, I adore you with the strength of each
of the sensual seasons & all magic seems to linger
in your erotic fingertips...
I want to walk again by the waters,
in quiet joy & contemplation, I want to feel
my heart opening as dawn breaks softly across
the waves, I want to embrace yet again all the Beauty
it pains my heart to be without, my Spirit aches
for all that I have forsaken, all that I have almost forgotten
in my useless quest for fleeting knowledge & the elusive
magics of a mind afire, my vision is alive with imaginings
& dances only the wild wind knows, too long have I
lingered where the bright moon's whispers are perilously
close to madness in the reflections of mystic eyes, I must
cleanse myself in the pure simplicity of the sky, I want
to stand yet again where the Cosmos loves me, where
the stars dance & laugh & remember, I want to be
the man I could have been, the poet & not the warrior,
the lover & not the pilgrim, I want to look into your eyes
& know I have wasted nothing, I want to to know
that we burn with a gentle fire, that I have lived
in the truth of your arms & brought you the blessings
of fulfillment, I want to be your greatest wish & a hero
worthy of the name, I want to kiss you & dance in the
moments that never end...
Friday, July 10, 2015
I will bring you the pearl
the Universe dreamed of, in the moment
before it awoke, I will steal it from the fiery fingers
of jealous nebulae raging where new Visions burn,
I will place it glowing into your hand as a simple gift
to celebrate your beauty, I will watch it tremble
in exquisite solitude on the delicate lobe of your ear,
I will watch the world rise around you, newly formed,
as if to enshrine you like an exotic beacon that beckons
down through the Ages & draws all broken Lovers
to your heart, I will kiss you as gently as a pilgrim come
to rest, & know that you have allowed me to reveal you
as a Goddess, I will worship you, & wash your hair,
& braid it with secret stars, I will gather the hues
of unknown rainbows & paint living landscapes upon
your skin, I will call you to the ocean & there we will
dance, & the cities will fade in the distance like dust
or flecks of snow, the waves will welcome us, warm, sweet
& cleansing, & we will lie entwined on the sand & embrace
in each eternal moment between our heartbeats, we will be
as One, but also somehow as Many, for the Dawn will
gather us & its rays will weave the taste of our pleasure
deep into the cauldron of the days, Rapture will ravish us,
& Ecstasy, & the many magics of the Moon, we will rise
naked before the Cosmos & soar with wings of Light,
Love will be our river, & the nourishment of the Earth,
& the orchards will rise, & the wide & fertile fields will
spread, & we will sing soothing new songs to silver seeds
that ripen in the Wind...
Saturday, June 6, 2015
There were secrets between them,
a secret language, a secret key
never quite acknowledged, it haunted them,
it hunted them, it graced them and made profound
their words and smallest gestures, looking into each other's
eyes they saw the Universe in its exquisite grace
and unfathomable disguise, She was the Muse,
the truth, the insight that drew him onward, that gifted him
with Apollo's bright wings and lyre of perfect sound,
in her body he found the secret, the landscape
of love's beauty, in her lips he heard the whisper
of his heartbeat's secret sound, she drew him onward,
she raised him upward, her beauty had the strangeness
of the gardens of the Moon...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Friday, June 5, 2015
She raised her long beautiful fingers to the fading summer
sky... She sensed the rising of the moon... The secret eyes
of the forest began to stir and dream of midnight...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Thursday, June 4, 2015
From deep in the mountains,
from the star crossed summer plains,
she came, he sensed her, he saw the bright vision
of her flowing hair, her dancer's body, lean, lithe
and youthful in sweet power and silent grace,
she was the mystery, who did she call
and where? which of the phases of his silver heart?
part of her was danger, part of her was cool, wise and holy,
but beyond, deeper, she watched, she circled,
she was the sorceress, her words were like claws
raking furrows in the world of the safe and known,
she sought him out, the knight errant, the poet, the dreamer,
her eyes, her eyes, mesmerizing, yet mesmerized,
he was fearful yet exhilarated, truly he lived
for strange battle and sweet adventure, for all the guises
of Circe the wild sorceress, the temptress, the tempest
foaming the waters of his heart, she was driven, possessed,
strange, mad, immortal and blazing, electric, magnificent
in rapture, In great, profound and bursting wreaths of light,
we danced, we danced, we danced, the world spun,
the axis rattled, strange suns screamed,
and the shadows blazed...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
On the great midnight beach,
beside the living flames of the driftwood fire,
she danced with the beings of all the dimensions,
bright with ecstasy, with the unbearable beauty of creation
and the far flung worlds, she danced, she leapt, she spun,
her eyes were the eyes of infinite grace, her limbs were
the limbs of the living earth, of the singing blood,
of the spirit, of the soul, unleashed, unburdened, bright
beyond bright, supple with the stream of galaxies circling
the galactic core, O she was Union, she was Bliss, she was
the night's bright kiss, his body knew her, his wings grew
through her, they rose, the waves crashed in foam iridescent
as the first spark of the ages, the sand, the moon, the stars
and the trees along the great gold cliffs themselves began
to whirl and dance, they swept through each other again
and again like hawks mating and matching the solar wind,
rainbows swept in swathes across the waters and the wind
itself scattered their endless joy in ecstasy and infinite gusts
into the aching bliss of dawn...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Monday, June 1, 2015
She danced
upon the mountain,
the great wind grew, wild with
rainbow blossoms, he felt the shaking
on the plain, the turmoil in the valley,
he knew this was the Dance, the wild destruction
and rebirth, he heard the flutes, the cymbals, the music,
the pulse kaleidoscopic and galactic, the heavens festooned
with eyes gigantic, transforming into One, the fingers
multi-textured with comets and supreme grace flickering
through shades of nebulae, as the mountains spun,
still she danced, her thighs lean, light and ablaze
with signs, with portents, the new Age approached,
surging upward through the dimensions, she sang,
the wind whipped, the sky shattered in tatters,
we were alone, we were bright multitudes, we were souls
and cosmic seas, we beheld the wave, leviathan and angel,
tsunami of stars and Black Holes strung like immense pearls
spewing out light, love and laughter, we felt our heartbeats
bright and beautiful, we embraced the moon, the stars,
the wind, we sang, we sang, our bodies burned,
the night gave birth, and the dawn we kissed...
-- NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Sunday, May 10, 2015
The time came for an ending, a putting away of simple
things... The golden feathers of Icarus were gently folded
back into their immortal case ... A rainbow ship was
waiting in the blue green harbour... It had sails like a
butterfly's wings...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Saturday, May 9, 2015
She woke
in the forest of dreams,
where the strange wind blew,
where the old stones moaned,
it was a holy yet haunted place,
she feared it yet loved it, it was the realm
of ghosts, dreams, mystery, a strange shift
in the reality of the stars and the endless chariots
of the moon, her body throbbed, grew wild, grew pure,
she knew she had the power, she knew old terrors
drew near, her scent was on the wind, flaring the desire
of strange and unruly alien nightmares and beasts,
but dawn's first fingers were her ally,
stirring the whirlpool colours as they fled across
the sharp mountains and flooded the pulsing plain,
dream catchers, dream catchers, they scratched at the air,
they scratched at the corners of her existence like the ripe
seeds of the fertile valleys, like the castles, turrets
and iridescent towers of the poets luminous in the night,
the ghosts sought her tears like some strange elixir,
like some magic pathway leading back to the dances
and warm wombs of the living, she leapt toward the sun,
her fingers stretched skyward with all the infinite grace
and harmony throbbing in the centre of each of her atoms,
she leapt, she leapt, she was the dancer, the bright maiden,
the purest of all hopes, the dark secrets deep in midnight,
and the flash of Immortal Eyes...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Thursday, May 7, 2015
She had her sweet secrets,
her arrows of love, her dances
of darkness and despair, her confusions,
her dreams, her inspirations, she was truly
the galaxy's child, my moon mad secret lover,
wild with joy, destruction, rebirth and Light,
in an instant her world could change, the universe
could shatter, ghosts could run shrieking through the city
or the many splendored dawn could boldly rise
in our hearts, I never knew, I could never fathom the key,
the grace, the Vision that drove her, except that I myself
was possessed by that same wild Muse, that same
bright Vision, unknown, indecipherable, majestic
and pure, pure, pure, beyond all possible meanings
of the world, deeper than all depths and ringing from
the highest mountain citadel, she danced, she danced,
she danced, out among the gazelles of ice, the glittering
snow tigers, the comets that scarred the midnight wind
with diamonds deep and powerful, the great wave rose,
the continents shuddered, the ocean sang and there
on the sky drenched beach we made
Love, and Love made us...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
He knew the strange pathways of her mind,
her deep labyrinth corners flooded by golden
goddess light, the infinite rivers of mercy encircling
her haunted eyes, her night of living comets, her rip
in time's fabric bestowing flame upon the earth,
he knew she was the guardian, bound by no mortal law,
lulled by no mortal sleep, adrift upon windswept waters,
to skies and planets infinite in scope, she knew the dances,
she flared the blood of starlit beings, of creatures of grace
and diamond wing, down the corridors of the dimensions,
through the jungle doors of ecstasy and light she danced,
naked, supreme and perfect, goddess limbed and crowned
by eons, he knew the secret, the destiny that bound her,
that filled her heart, wave after tremendous wave
with the wash of mystic light, with the whirlpools
of the senses and dreams, he stood alone upon the mountain,
the trees raised bright arms of living flame,
and then she was beside him, her body ecstatic
and electric against his own...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
There on the mountain,
as they gazed out over the green abyss
of the lower, glittering, glowing world,
he knew she had the only true Innocence,
the strength and shining purity of it,
it was her birthright, it was her dream
grown in the wild wastelands between the stars
and nurtured by the dance of newborn suns,
he knew it was what graced the world,
what gave it purpose, delicacy and love,
to her the deep winds of chaos and destruction
revealed their inner light, their yearning for beauty
in the brief moment of her glance,
always turned toward the ocean and endless rhythm
of the sky, the light might dim, the storm might rise,
but she knew its inner melody, she knew Harmony
was the true builder of worlds, the true sweet nectar
that all great spirits sipped, her wings were the wings
unseen, her words were the words unspoken,
but they were the poetry, the laugh of the cosmic lyre
as fingers supple as the Universe flexed,
and sound rang forth...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Monday, May 4, 2015
In that secret moment,
profound, righteous, resplendent,
wrapped in their language of dreams,
unified and at one with their bodies and their hearts,
bright with prophecy, pure with power and dark
with unknown mystery, as the great star rose,
as the dawn and twilight grazed the secret corners
of the earth, they heard the clarion bell, the crack
of thunder, the wash of cleansing rain, galactic in depth,
they felt the true unfathomable nature of the heart,
of the pure and perfect beast, the huntress and hunter
of glittering comet crown, of volcano of bright diamond,
of fountain of ecstatic youth, they knew the secret,
they spanned the earthly bonds, they felt the earthly pulse,
the rhythm and dance sublime, the world was theirs,
the moon was full, the fields were ripe
and electric deer blazed beside the river of riches
and sun drenched desires...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Sunday, May 3, 2015
On the great beach
at the end of the world,
he saw her watching, waiting, standing,
her body a grace in living movement,
as the gulls and white wings of creatures yet to be
circled upward in a soaring cycle of renewal
and he knew without wondering that this was
the last day and also the first, he knew this was why
the ancient cities burned, while they met again and again
in her wild garden of blood red roses and blooms afire
with the ecstatic light of the inner sun, he knew this was
why the moon still danced, why the stars still wheeled,
why the great horsemen rode down from the frozen north
and why the blossom shrouded temples fell, he knew
why Icarus had so blessed the sun, why maidens wove
magic garlands and became heroines, why wizards rose
and empires blazed, he saw it in each grace of her,
in each unutterable beauty the smallest movement
of her hand brought forth, he knew it was now, pure,
absolutely pristine, the endless rebirth of the omnipresent,
the dance, the Love, the Light she embodied and embraced,
he knew it was yet the beginning, he knew the worlds
would again spring and shatter, the stars would flare,
the comets would dance and the great, the unknown,
the unutterable Cosmic Wheel would turn...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Saturday, May 2, 2015
We knew in that moment
we were born in Beauty, that we were born
for Beauty's sake, that we held the Cosmos
to our ear, that the great shell on the endless beach
was actually the wheel of the stars, that here were
worlds within worlds within worlds, that our bodies
contained multitudes and yet our hearts alone,
that the world loved us, that the world needed us,
that the tinge of dawn's first light on the beauteous waves
of your hair re-created the Universe, that the stars
were dreams, afire with Light and Love, that the imagination
was a Vision, a river, a landscape of dream and desire,
that the shape of your breast as it filled my hand
solved all the secrets previously hidden and long forgotten,
that galleons sailed, that wild birds took wing, that dragons
pondered amid the clouds, bearded and bemused,
that the rift between dimensions was
the rainbow bridge of dreams...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...
Friday, May 1, 2015
Youth would return,
again and again, through the Ages,
bright in the days of madness and dust,
in the fields and moonlit forests, they would meet,
they would touch, they would embrace,
time would love them, seas would bear them,
wings would raise them, swift through dimensions
unknown, immortal, graceful, wild haired, glorious,
with eyes of deep magic, and wreathed by
comets and stars...
-- NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...