On the great beach
at the end of the world,
he saw her watching, waiting, standing,
her body a grace in living movement,
as the gulls and white wings of creatures yet to be
circled upward in a soaring cycle of renewal
and he knew without wondering that this was
the last day and also the first, he knew this was why
the ancient cities burned, while they met again and again
in her wild garden of blood red roses and blooms afire
with the ecstatic light of the inner sun, he knew this was
why the moon still danced, why the stars still wheeled,
why the great horsemen rode down from the frozen north
and why the blossom shrouded temples fell, he knew
why Icarus had so blessed the sun, why maidens wove
magic garlands and became heroines, why wizards rose
and empires blazed, he saw it in each grace of her,
in each unutterable beauty the smallest movement
of her hand brought forth, he knew it was now, pure,
absolutely pristine, the endless rebirth of the omnipresent,
the dance, the Love, the Light she embodied and embraced,
he knew it was yet the beginning, he knew the worlds
would again spring and shatter, the stars would flare,
the comets would dance and the great, the unknown,
the unutterable Cosmic Wheel would turn...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...