A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


He knew the strange pathways of her mind, 
her deep labyrinth corners flooded by golden 
goddess light, the infinite rivers of mercy encircling 
her haunted eyes, her night of living comets, her rip 
in time's fabric bestowing flame upon the earth, 
he knew she was the guardian, bound by no mortal law, 
lulled by no mortal sleep, adrift upon windswept waters, 
to skies and planets infinite in scope, she knew the dances, 
she flared the blood of starlit beings, of creatures of grace 
and diamond wing, down the corridors of the dimensions, 
through the jungle doors of ecstasy and light she danced, 
naked, supreme and perfect, goddess limbed and crowned 
by eons, he knew the secret, the destiny that bound her, 
that filled her heart, wave after tremendous wave 
with the wash of mystic light, with the whirlpools 
of the senses and dreams, he stood alone upon the mountain, 
the trees raised bright arms of living flame, 
and then she was beside him, her body ecstatic 
and electric against his own...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...