A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Saturday, May 2, 2015


We knew in that moment 
we were born in Beauty, that we were born 
for Beauty's sake, that we held the Cosmos 
to our ear, that the great shell on the endless beach 
was actually the wheel of the stars, that here were 
worlds within worlds within worlds, that our bodies 
contained multitudes and yet our hearts alone, 
that the world loved us, that the world needed us, 
that the tinge of dawn's first light on the beauteous waves 
of your hair re-created the Universe, that the stars 
were dreams, afire with Light and Love, that the imagination 
was a Vision, a river, a landscape of dream and desire, 
that the shape of your breast as it filled my hand 
solved all the secrets previously hidden and long forgotten, 
that galleons sailed, that wild birds took wing, that dragons 
pondered amid the clouds, bearded and bemused, 
that the rift between dimensions was 
the rainbow bridge of dreams...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...