There on the mountain,
as they gazed out over the green abyss
of the lower, glittering, glowing world,
he knew she had the only true Innocence,
the strength and shining purity of it,
it was her birthright, it was her dream
grown in the wild wastelands between the stars
and nurtured by the dance of newborn suns,
he knew it was what graced the world,
what gave it purpose, delicacy and love,
to her the deep winds of chaos and destruction
revealed their inner light, their yearning for beauty
in the brief moment of her glance,
always turned toward the ocean and endless rhythm
of the sky, the light might dim, the storm might rise,
but she knew its inner melody, she knew Harmony
was the true builder of worlds, the true sweet nectar
that all great spirits sipped, her wings were the wings
unseen, her words were the words unspoken,
but they were the poetry, the laugh of the cosmic lyre
as fingers supple as the Universe flexed,
and sound rang forth...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...