A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Monday, August 24, 2015


You have the music to redeem me, 
entwined in your soul, you have the magic, 
the erotic mystery, the deep ebony eyes 
in which the nebulae hide, I know no other place 
for you except the passion of our embrace, 
I know no secret to hide from you, no ember of past 
or future life, the seasons are the seasons of our love, 
each varied, vibrant & beautiful, wrought in the most 
intense & ecstatic colours, we are the ocean gliding beneath 
the moon, the great strong rivers, the flocks ascending 
above the windswept grass, let the gods & comets seek us, 
let the dimensions rip & spill forth fruit, we will feast 
on Cosmic bounty, we will call upon the mountains, 
ancient songs to wake the stars, the worlds will remember 
us & haunt us with their prophecies, for we will return, 
like a blessing or half seen dream, the mystics will revere 
us, the riders, the rovers, the lone knights errant & the 
masters of exotic crafts, let the wild winds call us, 
in the blossoms & the reeds, we will return, 
we will sing here, we will dance & be reborn...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...