A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Monday, August 31, 2015


You had the loose 
easy stride of natural Beauty, 
& somehow I already knew 
you were a dancer, I knew the Moon 
would call you, & kiss you & love you, 
I knew the stars would glimmer, 
& whisper half hidden in your hair, 
where you come from I can't imagine, 
where you lived, wide eyed & marvellous as a child, 
except I know it was somewhere exotic, 
magic with fragrant trees & blossoms scented 
like the Spring, I think even there it must have been 
the sea who bore you, & laid you gold hued with sunlight 
upon the sand, I watch you across the small cafe table 
& feel your eyes already half hidden within my own, 
drifting within my secret darknesses & urging them 
to Light, I know the midnight approaches on 
gentle Lover's feet, & I know it has promised us 
the ebony ecstasies of its dreams, I marvel at how 
you smile & suddenly the World is revealed, 
with rapture & sublime meaning, 
in the aching of our heartbeats 
& the flavours of our lips...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...