A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


You knew she was 
a dream that would consume you, 
a vision so erotic, so pristine, so perfect 
that it would grip your heart & transform you, 
you knew she could make you a hero, a hunter, 
a hunger that nothing but the taste of her 
could ever satiate, but even as you rose you knew 
you were a fool & would only ever be a poet, 
a lost knight upon a perfumed & lonely path, 
you knew she wanted you but only because 
she needed you, only because the constellations 
glittered like wild crystal eyes & this was the night 
& the mystery of her Magic, the way would be long, 
Pilgrim, & the oceans wide & the deserts would bleed 
the salt of a ravaged Earth, but all this would scarcely 
be noticed, your eyes were wild with glory, 
for you knew a Goddess called you, 
& shyly shook her hips...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...