A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


What will we leave behind, 
like a whisper in the hearts of our Lovers, 
how will they remember us in the long hours 
of the summer wind when the meadows & grasses 
are golden, when the winter tides break across the sands 
where once we danced, how will they find us, 
how will they hear us, how will they follow the thin scarlet 
thread that links our spirits forever between the galaxies, 
when the pyramids rise, when the galleons sail, 
who will stand bold & beautiful beneath the storms 
of the wildest & newest stars, you will be there, 
& all the Beauty you have gathered through the ages 
& created & set free in Love amid the forests 
& the canyons, you are not deceived, your kiss is the truth 
that springs from the seed of truest desire, like a great river 
the Earth will nourish you, & you will grow & blossom, 
& there amid the most secret gardens, amid the scarlet 
fragrance of Love's immortal roses, they will see you, 
& remember you, & embrace you once again, 
in the warm arms of midnight, 
in the erotic pleasures of the Moon...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...