I want to whisper in your ear,
to sit with you in secret, heart to heart, skin to skin,
I want to tell you of Magic & Adventure,
& the sweet erotic sighs of the moon
& the bright visions I see dancing across the beach
in the arms of the rising sun, I want to lie with you
in all the loving Ages of your Life, from vibrant
young dancer to wise woman of the woods, I want to taste
you beneath the mystic silver of the stars & show you
the nebulae aflame at the edge of the Worlds,
I want to gently explore the mystic landscape of your body
like a welcome pilgrim come in peace
or like a thirsty traveller ecstatic with desire,
I want to claim you, not as my own but in the name
of all Lovers throughout the Ages, I want you to teach me
all the secrets I've forgotten, all the places holy in the heart
of the forest, I want to embrace you again & again & again
until the moment ignites & dances with the Rapture
of all our once & future Lives...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...