A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Friday, July 10, 2015


I will bring you the pearl 
the Universe dreamed of, in the moment 
before it awoke, I will steal it from the fiery fingers 
of jealous nebulae raging where new Visions burn, 
I will place it glowing into your hand as a simple gift 
to celebrate your beauty, I will watch it tremble 
in exquisite solitude on the delicate lobe of your ear, 
I will watch the world rise around you, newly formed, 
as if to enshrine you like an exotic beacon that beckons 
down through the Ages & draws all broken Lovers 
to your heart, I will kiss you as gently as a pilgrim come 
to rest, & know that you have allowed me to reveal you 
as a Goddess, I will worship you, & wash your hair, 
& braid it with secret stars, I will gather the hues 
of unknown rainbows & paint living landscapes upon 
your skin, I will call you to the ocean & there we will 
dance, & the cities will fade in the distance like dust 
or flecks of snow, the waves will welcome us, warm, sweet 
& cleansing, & we will lie entwined on the sand & embrace 
in each eternal moment between our heartbeats, we will be 
as One, but also somehow as Many, for the Dawn will 
gather us & its rays will weave the taste of our pleasure 
deep into the cauldron of the days, Rapture will ravish us, 
& Ecstasy, & the many magics of the Moon, we will rise 
naked before the Cosmos & soar with wings of Light, 
Love will be our river, & the nourishment of the Earth, 
& the orchards will rise, & the wide & fertile fields will 
spread, & we will sing soothing new songs to silver seeds 
that ripen in the Wind...