A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Friday, September 4, 2015


Tomorrow will be golden, 
perhaps, in those dreams where 
I dare not linger, in those dances 
alive with ghosts, tomorrow will be golden, 
& magic, & alive with promise, the Visions 
will return, & the ecstasy, & the rapture of youth 
& beauty, tomorrow will be golden & I know this, 
in certainty, in belief, in the great & final unfolding 
of my Heart, tomorrow will be golden, & the waters 
will rise & the sky will be alive with rainbows, 
all journeys will be forgotten & we'll simply sit 
upon the endless beach, the rain upon our faces like 
the ecstasy of cleansing tears, we will watch & wonder 
& know that eternity calls us, with wide & golden arms, 
subtle as the rising of the dawn, we will sit & forget 
we have ever been anything but Lovers & the beloved 
children of a smiling Cosmos, the years are unknown, 
& the centuries, & the eons pile upon each other, 
Universe after Universe, until the atoms themselves rise 
in Rapture & explode in the last & most exquisite Light, 
I will meet you there, in all your bodies, in all your 
Mysteries, in all the kaleidoscopic infinities of your eyes, 
we will always return here, to this one perfect moment, 
when our breath mingled in each of our endless kisses, 
& I knew the wind loved your hair, & caressed it 
with a thousand exquisite fingers...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...