A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

A Poet's Vision Quest for Beauty, Magic and Infinite Grace

Sunday, May 10, 2015


The time came for an ending, a putting away of simple 
things... The golden feathers of Icarus were gently folded 
back into their immortal case ... A rainbow ship was 
waiting in the blue green harbour... It had sails like a 
butterfly's wings...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Saturday, May 9, 2015


She woke 
in the forest of dreams, 
where the strange wind blew, 
where the old stones moaned, 
it was a holy yet haunted place, 
she feared it yet loved it, it was the realm 
of ghosts, dreams, mystery, a strange shift 
in the reality of the stars and the endless chariots 
of the moon, her body throbbed, grew wild, grew pure, 
she knew she had the power, she knew old terrors 
drew near, her scent was on the wind, flaring the desire 
of strange and unruly alien nightmares and beasts, 
but dawn's first fingers were her ally, 
stirring the whirlpool colours as they fled across 
the sharp mountains and flooded the pulsing plain, 
dream catchers, dream catchers, they scratched at the air, 
they scratched at the corners of her existence like the ripe 
seeds of the fertile valleys, like the castles, turrets 
and iridescent towers of the poets luminous in the night, 
the ghosts sought her tears like some strange elixir, 
like some magic pathway leading back to the dances 
and warm wombs of the living, she leapt toward the sun, 
her fingers stretched skyward with all the infinite grace 
and harmony throbbing in the centre of each of her atoms, 
she leapt, she leapt, she was the dancer, the bright maiden, 
the purest of all hopes, the dark secrets deep in midnight, 
and the flash  of Immortal Eyes...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Thursday, May 7, 2015


She had her sweet secrets, 
her arrows of love, her dances 
of darkness and despair, her confusions, 
her dreams, her inspirations, she was truly 
the galaxy's child, my moon mad secret lover, 
wild with joy, destruction, rebirth and Light, 
in an instant her world could change, the universe 
could shatter, ghosts could run shrieking through the city 
or the many splendored dawn could boldly rise 
in our hearts, I never knew, I could never fathom the key, 
the grace, the Vision that drove her, except that I myself 
was possessed by that same wild Muse, that same 
bright Vision, unknown, indecipherable, majestic 
and pure, pure, pure, beyond all possible meanings 
of the world, deeper than all depths and ringing from 
the highest mountain citadel, she danced, she danced, 
she danced, out among the gazelles of ice, the glittering 
snow tigers, the comets that scarred the midnight wind 
with diamonds deep and powerful, the great wave rose, 
the continents shuddered, the ocean sang and there 
on the sky drenched beach we made 
Love, and Love made us...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


He knew the strange pathways of her mind, 
her deep labyrinth corners flooded by golden 
goddess light, the infinite rivers of mercy encircling 
her haunted eyes, her night of living comets, her rip 
in time's fabric bestowing flame upon the earth, 
he knew she was the guardian, bound by no mortal law, 
lulled by no mortal sleep, adrift upon windswept waters, 
to skies and planets infinite in scope, she knew the dances, 
she flared the blood of starlit beings, of creatures of grace 
and diamond wing, down the corridors of the dimensions, 
through the jungle doors of ecstasy and light she danced, 
naked, supreme and perfect, goddess limbed and crowned 
by eons, he knew the secret, the destiny that bound her, 
that filled her heart, wave after tremendous wave 
with the wash of mystic light, with the whirlpools 
of the senses and dreams, he stood alone upon the mountain, 
the trees raised bright arms of living flame, 
and then she was beside him, her body ecstatic 
and electric against his own...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


There on the mountain, 
as they gazed out over the green abyss 
of the lower, glittering, glowing world, 
he knew she had the only true Innocence, 
the strength and shining purity of it, 
it was her birthright, it was her dream 
grown in the wild wastelands between the stars 
and nurtured by the dance of newborn suns, 
he knew it was what graced the world, 
what gave it purpose, delicacy and love, 
to her the deep winds of chaos and destruction 
revealed their inner light, their yearning for beauty 
in the brief moment of her glance, 
always turned toward the ocean and endless rhythm 
of the sky, the light might dim, the storm might rise, 
but she knew its inner melody, she knew Harmony 
was the true builder of worlds, the true sweet nectar 
that all great spirits sipped, her wings were the wings 
unseen, her words were the words unspoken, 
but they were the poetry, the laugh of the cosmic lyre 
as fingers supple as the Universe flexed, 
and sound rang forth...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Monday, May 4, 2015


In that secret moment, 
profound, righteous, resplendent, 
wrapped in their language of dreams, 
unified and at one with their bodies and their hearts, 
bright with prophecy, pure with power and dark 
with unknown mystery, as the great star rose, 
as the dawn and  twilight grazed the secret corners 
of the earth, they heard the clarion bell, the crack 
of thunder, the wash of cleansing rain, galactic in depth, 
they felt the true unfathomable nature of the heart, 
of the pure and perfect beast, the huntress and hunter 
of glittering comet crown, of volcano of bright diamond, 
of fountain of ecstatic youth, they knew the secret, 
they spanned the earthly bonds, they felt the earthly pulse, 
the rhythm and dance sublime, the world was theirs, 
the moon was full, the fields were ripe 
and electric deer blazed beside the river of riches 
and sun drenched desires...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Sunday, May 3, 2015


On the great beach 
at the end of the world, 
he saw her watching, waiting, standing, 
her body a grace in living movement, 
as the gulls and white wings of creatures yet to be 
circled upward in a soaring cycle of renewal 
and he knew without wondering that this was 
the last day and also the first, he knew this was why 
the ancient cities burned, while they met again and again 
in her wild garden of blood red roses and blooms afire 
with the ecstatic light of the inner sun, he knew this was 
why the moon still danced, why the stars still wheeled, 
why the great horsemen rode down from the frozen north 
and why the blossom shrouded temples fell, he knew 
why Icarus had so blessed the sun, why maidens wove 
magic garlands and became heroines, why wizards rose 
and empires blazed, he saw it in each grace of her, 
in each unutterable beauty the smallest movement 
of her hand brought forth, he knew it was now, pure, 
absolutely pristine, the endless rebirth of the omnipresent, 
the dance, the Love, the Light she embodied and embraced, 
he knew it was yet the beginning, he knew the worlds 
would again spring and shatter, the stars would flare, 
the comets would dance and the great, the unknown, 
the unutterable Cosmic Wheel would turn...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Saturday, May 2, 2015


We knew in that moment 
we were born in Beauty, that we were born 
for Beauty's sake, that we held the Cosmos 
to our ear, that the great shell on the endless beach 
was actually the wheel of the stars, that here were 
worlds within worlds within worlds, that our bodies 
contained multitudes and yet our hearts alone, 
that the world loved us, that the world needed us, 
that the tinge of dawn's first light on the beauteous waves 
of your hair re-created the Universe, that the stars 
were dreams, afire with Light and Love, that the imagination 
was a Vision, a river, a landscape of dream and desire, 
that the shape of your breast as it filled my hand 
solved all the secrets previously hidden and long forgotten, 
that galleons sailed, that wild birds took wing, that dragons 
pondered amid the clouds, bearded and bemused, 
that the rift between dimensions was 
the rainbow bridge of dreams...

--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...

Friday, May 1, 2015


Youth would return, 
again and again, through the Ages, 
bright in the days of madness and dust, 
in the fields and moonlit forests, they would meet, 
they would touch, they would embrace, 
time would love them, seas would bear them, 
wings would raise them, swift through dimensions 
unknown, immortal, graceful, wild haired, glorious, 
with eyes of deep magic, and wreathed by 
comets and stars...

-- NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...