I think there is a magic to this place,
to this shimmering world beneath the heavens,
it calls me as surely as you call me from your land
of blue green waves, it has the power to wake
the Minotaur or unfold the gentlest summer blossom,
I need it, its exquisite & tantalizing fingers, as much as
I need breath or Life itself, as much as I need you
& to feel the stars shining in my blood, it is the Cosmos
that unfolds above me, the wind, the rain, the almost
unbearable beauty of the windswept summer grasses,
it is the sound of your voice beside the roar of the waters,
lost to the ear but joyous in the heart, it is the reason I come
on this journey, that I lay beside you skin to beautiful skin
beneath the cool & hunting moon, it is the reason the
comets stitch up the secrets of the night & the dawn's wing
unfolds across the fingers of the mountains, it exists as
surely as we exist, as surely as we find our Truth within
each other, for the days are long & filled with Love,
& this warm world turns, & the orchards dream...
--NorthPoet, from VISION RIDER...